hockey is dead. :(
17 February 2005 @ 02:15
noise: ethan rolling around in his cage.

omg long day.

jenny and i went down to some small town about an hour from portland to pick up her new dog, ethan. bomb husky (huskie??). on the way back of the eight hour trip, the dog vomited in the car several times, i almost got us killed while driving half-asleep (three times), and i had a marginal meal and milkshake at a sketchified redneck diner. let's just say it was a very long day.

i hate how my body reacts to increased anxiety. my face is irritated and broken out, my hair is looking ratty and generally fucked up, and i look like i've gained a million pounds. i need a week or two at an intensive-care spa or something. i'm thinking that instead of going to vancouver this weekend, i'll go splurge and get my hair done, get a massage, pedicure, tan, facial, etc. totally go get gay on myself. hey, i deserve it. yeah.

nothing to add to this entry after that awkward paragraph. time to go to sleep. at least try to, anyway.


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