this place will be laid to rest.
22 February 2005 @ 03:54
noise: thursday - ny batteri.

finally got the wireless network, er, working - i thought my router was fucking up, and as much as it has, it wouldn't have been a surprise. anyway, now i can surf the internet while i'm in the bathtub once again.

today was mildly amusing. actually, the short hours were fun. jenny and i took the dog to the whatcom falls park, and we played on a rockbed next to the river and the main waterfall, which probably had a verital drop of 50 feet. ethan (the dog) has a wicked upset stomach and was literally shitting shit five feet away from his ass. i tried to capture some of the animated shit on camera, but to no avail. then on the way to another park, he vomited in the car. now this vomit was AMAZING. it had the look of thick chocolate mousse, and jenny said (as she was cleaning it out of her car) that it was like concrete. how that came out of such a small dog is truly perplexing.

apparently vomit is an appetite stimulant, so we hit up some thai food after we dropped the gross animal in his cage back at the apartment. i popped some vicodin and flexeril with my sake and beer, and jenny just had some vicodin and flexeril...since she's under 21. yeah. we both ended up back at the old apartment watching some really fucking bad dvds that netflix recommended. don't ever take their recommendations...especially when you're dealing with foreign films. jake came over at some point, and we almost ended up passing out together with the cats, but smarter minds prevailed and we all parted company.

its probably been the most exciting day in a few days. wow.


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