brooklyn never burned, brah.
16 February 2005 @ 02:24
noise: more and more head automatica. why god why?

i'm finding myself sucked into canadian culture more and more as i watch more and more canadian television. the hour on cbc is by far the best. check it oot -->

ambien, flexeril and vicodin are giving me a nice buzz that i should probably crash to, before i reap all the benefits from them and enjoy a nice night awake. downside is, i'm driving my sick roommate to pick up her new puppy down in BFE washington, like 70 miles north of portland (oregon). god...i haven't driven in almost a month. so i better get some sleep soon.

weird news - radio fritz from berlin emailed me about doing a pre-recorded show once a week, recorded here in my home "studio" (aka apartment). i have no idea what i'd do. an english language program playing "indie" rock? some local unsigned bands? a germanglish program? fuuuuck.

looking for models in bellingham north to vancouver (b.c.), and possibly west to victoria (b.c.) - i need to update my portfolio...badly. lemme [email protected].


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